The Davidian Seventh-day Adventists Association برنامه ها

Davidian SDA 1.0.2
This is the official Application of The Davidian Seventh-dayAdventists Association. It connects you to a variety of resources,including Video, Audio, Literature, Photo Galleries, Events, PushNotifications, Search, Social Sharing, Google Maps and more. Theobject of this Association is to bring about among God's peoplethat reformation called for in the Testimonies for the ChurchVolume 9, page 126, as the prerequisite movement to sounding the"Eleventh-Hour Call" (Matt. 20:6, 7) of "the every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people."Rev. 14:6. Through this call, the Loud Cry of the three angels'messages, it is to gather "the people of the saints of the MostHigh" (Dan. 7:27) into the kingdom "which shall never bedestroyed...but...shall break in pieces and consumeall...kingdoms." Dan. 2:44. Thus it shall usher in the reign ofChrist as Lord of lords and King of kings over all the earthforever and ever.
La Verge Du Berger 1.5.1
The object of this Association is to bringabout among God's people that reformation called for in theTestimonies for the Church Volume 9, page 126, as the prerequisitemovement to sounding the "Eleventh-Hour Call" (Matt. 20:6, 7) of"the everlasting every nation, and kindred, and tongue,and people." Rev. 14:6. Through this call, the Loud Cry of thethree angels' messages, it is to gather "the people of the saintsof the Most High" (Dan. 7:27) into the kingdom "which shall neverbe destroyed...but...shall break in pieces and consumeall...kingdoms." Dan. 2:44. Thus it shall usher in the reign ofChrist as Lord of lords and King of kings over all the earthforever and ever.
The Shepherd’s Rod Series 5.0.2
Micah 6:9 — Hear ye the Rod, and Who hath appointed It.
Gadsda — The Davidian Seventh- 3.0.0
The official application of The Davidian Seventh-dayAdventistAssociation